North Carolina - Acts on Education Topics

An Act Supplemental to An Act, Passed this Session of the General Assembly, Entitled "An Act Incorporating Morganton Academy."

1823 - Chapter CXXXIII

Acts Passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina 1823 - Page 86.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the president and trustees appointed under said Act for the government of said academy, and their successors in office, shall have power to lay off as many lots, make as many streets, lanes, and alleys, as to them may seem proper, on such lands as they have, or may acquire adjoining the town of Morganton, for the benefit of said academy; which said lots, streets, lanes and alleys, shall be deemed part of the town of Morganton, and subject to the same police and by-laws as Morganton is or may be subject to, and that this Act be in force from and after its ratification.

Read three times and ratified in General Assembly
this 31st day of Dec. 1823

Gabriel Holmes, Governor
Alfred Moore, Speaker of the House of Commons
Bartlett Yancey, Speaker of the Senate

A true copy - William Hill, Secretary

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